Invitation to the Isaksen Seminar 2024

Dear colleagues worldwide,

We are pleased to invite you to participate in The Isaksen Seminar 2024. The seminar is digital and scheduled for Monday, 4th November 2024, from 13.00 to 15.00.

The seminar is hosted by the RIST Centre (Research centre for studies of Innovation for Sustainable Transition) at the University of Agder, in honour of our dear colleague and esteemed Professor Arne Isaksen, who sadly passed away this summer. 

The seminar will address the topic of Sustainable Regional Restructuring, and will be hybrid, streamed via zoom. To join the digital seminar, please register at this link, and you will automatically recieve a zoom link. 

Program (Norwegian time):

  • 13:00 – Welcome by Associate Professor Jan Ole Rypestøl (University of Agder)
  • 13:05 – 13.15 Professor James Karlsen (University of Agder): 
    Short presentation of the book project: Regional Sustainable Restructuring – Insights from Economic Geography and Regional Innovation Studies
  • 13.15 – 13.45 Professor Emeritus Bjørn Terje Asheim (University of Stavanger) and Professor Markus Grillitsch (Lund University): 
    Twenty years of regional innovation studies: From local-global to agency-structure
  • 14.00 – 14.30 Professor Franz Tödtling (WU Wirthschaftsuniversität Wien): 
    Place-based transformative innovation policies: exploring the role of challenge oriented regional innovation systems
  • 14.30 – 15.00 Dr. Emelie Langemyr Eriksen (NORCE Norwegian Research Centre and University of Agder):
    Regional Green Initiatives in Concert: Charting Co-Evolutionary Paths in Regional Transition

You are of course welcome to participate in parts of the program,  if you have time constraints.

We look forward to ‘seeing’ you at the seminar. Please feel free to share this invitation with colleges that might be interested in the topic, and/or wish to honor the work of Arne Isaksen by attending.

Best regards,

The RIST Research Centre at the University of Agder

For more information, please see:

RIST Senteret arrangerte nettverksmiddag i San Sebastian

I forbindelse med EUWIN konferansen: The Future of Workplace Innovation, arrangerte RIST Senteret nettverksmiddag for samarbeidspartnere. Middagen ble holdt på restaurant Kaskazuri i San Sebastian sentrum.

Hensikten med middagen var å knytte nye bånd til mulige samarbeidspartnere samt å tilrettelegge for gode samtaler om pågående prosjekter og potensielle nye prosjektsøknader.

Totalt deltok 19 personer fra ulike organisasjoner, inkludert forskere fra NTNU, Sintef, TNO Nederland, Workplaceinnovation EU og Orcestra, San Sebastian.

Slike samtaler er viktig for å bygge- og vedlikeholde nettverk med gode enkeltforskere og representanter fra høyt kvalifiserte miljøer, Sier RIST leder Jan Ole Rypestøl. Nettverksmøter er også en viktig del av det å styrke muligheten for å få deltakere til nye prosjekter i fremtid.